Two representatives of the Press Council from Moldova take part in the yearly reunion of the Alliance of Independent Press Councils from Europe
2010-11-04 12:19:00

Throughout November 4-5, 2010, Amsterdam (the Netherlands) hosts the annual reunion of the Alliance of Independent Press Councils from Europe (AIPCE). This Alliance brings together press councils and other mass-media institutions' self-regulation structures from 32 countries of the world (See www.aipce.net/). Two representatives of the Press Council from Republic of Moldova shall attend this yearly assembly from Amsterdam.

The main topic to be discussed during AIPCE reunion concerns the materials published in the Internet and users' comments in the context of complaints brought forth by citizens to the address of press councils from different countries. We would like to recall that, previously, the Press Council from Moldova urged mass-media institutions to take additional measures for tempering messages (sms and comments to the articles from websites) which straightly attack the person, contain xenophobe statements, licentious language, other discriminatory and defaming texts.

The yearly assembly of AIPCE shall also place into discussion other issues pertaining to the freedom of expression and human rights, public interest and private life. The Press Council from Moldova is represented by the Press Council Chairwoman, Ludmila Andronic, and the Press Council Secretary, Petru Macovei. The costs related to the participation of Moldova Press Council representatives at AIPCE annual reunion are incurred by the Council of Europe within the Joint Program of the EU and Council of Europe „Democracy Building Program in Moldova”.
