AEE EN Cine vine la Forumul Media 2024? DEZBATERI: Securitatea jurnaliștilor, dezinformarea și lecțiile campaniei electorale În agenda ediției a noua a Forumului Mass-Media din Republica Moldova, care va avea loc pe 2 și 3 decembrie 2024 la Chișinău, sunt incluse mai multe dezbateri, prezentări, ateliere și evenimente speciale. La ele vor participa cunoscuți experți media din țară și de peste hotare, jurnaliști și reprezentanți ai autorităților. La prima dezbatere a Forumului, „Securitatea jurnaliștilor în Republica Moldova: ce și de ce nu funcționează?”, se va discuta despre protecția jurnaliștilor în exercitarea profesiei și reacția autorităților la atacurile asupra profesioniștilor media. Eexperta internațională Maria Ordzhonikidze, directoarea fundației Justice for Journalists din Marea Britanie, va prezenta mai întâi situația privind atacurile asupra jurnaliștilor din regiune, iar apoi jurnaliști moldoveni și reprezentanți ai Parlamentului, Procuraturii Generale și Ministerului Afacerilor Interne vor discuta despre măsurile care se impun pentru asigurarea securității reale a jurnaliștilor în țara noastră și descurajarea atacurilor fizice și verbale. Maria Ordzhonikidze este sociologă, specialistă în securitate, autoare a numeroase articole și cercetări despre tendințele sociologice și politice, libertatea de exprimare, relațiile internaționale și securitate. A conceput și gestionat o serie de campanii de conștientizare publică, advocacy, drepturile omului și managementul crizelor. Fundația Justice for Journalists este o organizație internațională cu misiunea de a lupta împotriva impunității... Wed, 20 Nov 2024 10:08:27 +0200 Profesia de jurnalist începe cu asumarea respectării Codului deontologic Absolvenții Școlii de Jurnalism din Moldova din promoția a XVIII-a  au semnat declarația de respectare a Codului Deontologic al Jurnalistului din Republica Moldova. Evenimentul a avut loc pe 25 iulie, la Chișinău, în cadrul întâlnirii anuale a absolvenților Școlii de Jurnalism din Moldova din toate promoțiile. Secretarul executiv al Consiliului de Presă, Petru Macovei, le-a oferit absolvenților declarația pe care aceștia au semnat-o nominal, angajându-se să respecte prevederile Codului și normele deontologiei profesionale. El a spus că profesia de jurnalist începe cu asumarea respectării Codului deontologic, iar responsabilitatea etică este definitorie pentru profesia noastră. Absolvenții promoției a XVIII-a au fost felicitați de directoarea Școlii de jurnalism, Maia Metaxa, care i-a încurajat să persevereze și să facă dovada jurnalismului de calitate. Declarându-mi adeziunea la valorile jurnalismului responsabil, care este posibil doar în condițiile libertății de exprimare și care asigură dreptul publicului de a primi informații veridice și depline, Realizând faptul că încrederea societății față de jurnaliști este o valoare supremă a profesiei, Calificând activitățile de partizanat politic sau de mercenariat ideologico-financiar drept nocive profesiei și care compromit independența și imaginea jurnalistului, Îmi asum pe deplin să respect, în activitatea mea profesională, Codul deontologic al Jurnalistului din Republica Moldova și să manifest... Mon, 29 Jul 2024 19:33:17 +0300 Viorica Zaharia, președintă a Consiliului de Experți și Experte Licențiată în Jurnalism și Ştiințe ale comunicării (1994-1999), masterandă în PR și Publicitate (2014 - 2016). A fost lectoră la Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științe ale Comunicării, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova. Anterior, a activat în calitate de editoră de știri la Pro TV Chișinău (2010 - 2015), reporteră/redactoare la Centrul de Investigații Jurnalistice (2008-2012), reporteră și redactoare la Agenția de Presă „Flux” (2000-2001), reporteră la ziarul „Țara” (1998-1999). Din 2013 este redactoare a portalului MoldovaCurată.md. În 2018 și 2019 a participat la elaborarea manualelor la disciplina școlară opțională de educație pentru media pentru ciclurile gimnazial și liceal. Este autoare a mai multor ghiduri profesionale pentru jurnaliști și traineră pe subiecte de deontologie jurnalistică. Din 2019 este expertă în dezinformare și analistă media la European Service Network, analizând dezinformarea pro-Kremlin în Republica Moldova și monitorizând periodic portalurile media. A fost aleasă președintă a Consiliului de Presă trei mandate consecutiv, în perioada 2016-2024. Wed, 26 Jun 2024 10:51:16 +0300 Ludmila Andronic, Chairwoman of the Press Council Master’s Degree in Communication (National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest, 1994), Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism (Moldova State University, 1992). Since 2001, she has been working as lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, Moldova State University. From 2006 to 2010, she served as editor-in-chief of „Business Class” magazine. During 1999-2006, she acted as PR Manager for „Orange” company.   Since 2010, she has been working as PR Manager for „Le Bridge Corporation”. She also works at „Radio 7” as journalist. Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:25:53 +0300 Dumitru Ciorici, member of the Press Council Co-founder and publishing director of UNIMEDIA news portal ( Previously, he worked as Executive Director and Chairman of the Young Journalist’s Center from Moldova.  Throughout 2005-2006, he was a reporter for the youth newspaper „Asta Da”.   Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:21:15 +0300 Daniela Sîmboteanu, member of the Press Council Psychologist, university lecturer, chairwoman of the National Center for Preventing Child Abuse (CNPAC) din 1998. She possesses a 15-year experience in the field of abuse prevention and child neglection. She is a member of the Coordinating Council of the Alliance of NGOs in the field of child and family social protection.   Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:05:16 +0300 Chisinau hosted a regional reunion of Press Councils on the topic of presumption of innocence and the right to private life in mass-media Representatives of Press Councils from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine held a recent common meeting in Chisinau for debating and sharing experience on the topic associated to observance of presumption of innocence and the right to private life in mass-media. The encounter began with the ordinary sitting of Republic of Moldova Press Council, allowing the representatives of journalistic self-regulatory structures from other countries to take notice of the practices employed for examining complaints against mass-media institutions in our country. Further on, each participant presented specific incidents of infringing the deontology principles (presumption of innocence and right to private life) by mass-media institutions in their country, complaints filed by mass-media product consumers, decisions adopted by the Press Council and their impact. The participants jointly examined those specific cases and exchanged opinions as regards the modalities to enhance self-regulatory efficiency in the field of mass-media. The reunion was attended as well by the expert of the Council of Europe, Ioana Avădani, director of the Independent Journalism Center in Romania, who came forth with similar examples from Romania as well as with European recommendations on the observance of presumption of innocence and the right to private life by mass-media. The representatives... Thu, 01 Dec 2011 12:23:00 +0200 Two representatives of the Press Council from Moldova take part in the yearly reunion of the Alliance of Independent Press Councils from Europe Throughout November 4-5, 2010, Amsterdam (the Netherlands) hosts the annual reunion of the Alliance of Independent Press Councils from Europe (AIPCE). This Alliance brings together press councils and other mass-media institutions' self-regulation structures from 32 countries of the world (See Two representatives of the Press Council from Republic of Moldova shall attend this yearly assembly from Amsterdam. The main topic to be discussed during AIPCE reunion concerns the materials published in the Internet and users' comments in the context of complaints brought forth by citizens to the address of press councils from different countries. We would like to recall that, previously, the Press Council from Moldova urged mass-media institutions to take additional measures for tempering messages (sms and comments to the articles from websites) which straightly attack the person, contain xenophobe statements, licentious language, other discriminatory and defaming texts. The yearly assembly of AIPCE shall also place into discussion other issues pertaining to the freedom of expression and human rights, public interest and private life. The Press Council from Moldova is represented by the Press Council Chairwoman, Ludmila Andronic, and the Press Council Secretary, Petru Macovei. The costs related to the participation of Moldova Press Council representatives at AIPCE... Thu, 04 Nov 2010 12:19:00 +0200 Journalists’ deontological code to be modified Press Council and Journalists’ Union in Moldova will organize round tables in Chisinau, Balti and Cahul regarding the update of deontological code for journalists. The project is sponsored by the EU and the Council of Europe, Info-prim Neo reports. Dumitru Lazur, program coordinator within the Council of Europe and European Union Joint Programme on Democracy Support, has announced the project would be presented for debates to representatives of the press and of the civil society. After the Code is elaborated, information campaigns regarding document’s contents will be initiated for both citizens and journalists. The updated deontology will be promoted through brochures and info spots. “We hope that representatives of various press associations will finally reach an agreement regarding the document, a complete deontological code for Moldovan journalists, adjusted to the latest media realities”, Lazur said. Ioana Avadani, manager of the Center of Independent Journalism in Bucharest, mentioned the previous code from 2009 was no longer up to date with the journalistic practices that evolved over the last 11 years. That’s why this document had to be revised. “This code must make a clear distinction between those who can be judged by it and those who can’t. It must be applied... Wed, 13 Oct 2010 13:32:00 +0300 The Press Councils from Moldova and Estonia share their experience Tallinn, 13 September 2010 – The members of the Moldovan Press Council are studying the experience of the Estonian Press Council in the field of media self-regulation during a study visit, organised in the framework of the Joint Programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe entitled “Democracy Support Programme in Moldova’ (сomponent - Support to the development of a pluralist media). The event started today with presentation of the activity of the Estonian Press Council. The chairman of Estonian Press Council Mr. Sulev Valner shared with his colleagues from the Republic of Moldova some tips for examination of complains against the media in connection with articles in breach with the Code of Ethics. Mrs. Ludmila Andronic, the charwomen of the Moldovan Press Council, declared during the opening session that she is sure that the study visit to Estonia will be very useful for the future development of Moldovan Press Council as a media self-regulatory mechanism. Later in the evening the members of Moldovan Press Council will participate at a workshop on simulation of examination of complains from citizens. The trainers will present complains which in the past were examined by Estonian Press Council and the mixed teams... Mon, 13 Sep 2010 17:48:00 +0300 CALL on mass-media institutions from Republic of Moldova The Press Council from Republic of Moldova calls upon all mass-media institutions from the country to hinder the spreading of defamatory messages contained in comments posted by visitors on websites and in sms texts sent during live shows. Numerous mass-media consumers requested the Press Council to intervene for determining print and audio-visual press, as well as information portals, to stop diffusing slanderous messages sent as SMS by unknown persons during live shows on television or through comments posted on mass-media institutions websites. The Press Council recalls that the freedom of expression is a democratic value protected by the European Convention for Human Rights, just as the right to defending reputation is. After examining similar cases during the sitting from May 6th this year, the Press Council issued a common appeal to all mass-media institutions from the country, urging mass-media to take additional measures for moderating messages (sms and comments to articles from websites) which contain direct attack upon the person, xenophobe statements, licentious language, other discriminatory and defamatory texts. In such a way, potential cases of blaming for defamation by means of mass-media shall be avoided, and press institutions shall prove their accountability towards the public. Wed, 12 May 2010 12:48:00 +0300 CALL on journalists and mass-media institutions The Press Council from Republic of Moldova would like to make an appeal to journalists and mass-media institutions with the request to observe copyrights and avoid plagiarism in their journalistic activity. Several mass-media institutions informed the Press Council about cases of unauthorized taking-over of articles and news items from electronic editions of newspapers and press agencies, infringing thus copyrights. The Press Council calls on all journalists and mass-media institutions to observe the provisions of the Law on copyright and related rights, as well as provisions of Codes of Ethics for journalists. We would like to recall the fact that the Law on copyright clearly defines „the author holds the exclusive copyright over his/her work, it resulting from the work’s creation by him/her”. R. Moldova’s Code of professional ethical principles of the journalist stipulates that plagiarism is inadmissible, and „the journalist shall make references to the author’s name every time he/she makes use of the author’s work, that is a work of his/her colleague, in a way or another”. At the same time, the Guidelines on style containing ethical norms recommends to the journalists not to record, multiply or distribute certain materials, unless „an agreement (oral or written) exists with the... Tue, 26 Jan 2010 18:57:00 +0200 Chairwoman of R. Moldova’s Press Council Ludmila Andronic, editor-in-chief of „Business class” magazine, was appointed as Chairwoman of Press Council from Republic of Moldova during the first sitting of the Council dated with Friday, January 22nd, 2010. During the sitting, Press Council members examined the Regulation on Council’s activity, including the operation mechanism, criteria of acceptance and ways of settling disputes arisen between publications and media consumers.  Press Council members voted unanimously for the appointment of Mrs. Ludmila Andronic as Chairwoman of the Council, the lady being the editor-in-chief of economic magazine „Business class”. The Chairwoman expressed her gratitude for the trust and urged all Council members to develop a strong cooperation to the benefit of press and media consumers from Moldova. Also during the same sitting, the members approved the decision on the adherence of Press Council from R. Moldova to the European Alliance of Independent Press Councils. Tue, 26 Jan 2010 18:57:00 +0200 Members of Press Council from Republic of Moldova elected The recently-summoned Committee for selecting members of the Press Council from Republic of Moldova revealed the results of the open contest and appointed the composition of the Press Council. Eleven representatives of the journalistic environment (put forward by the boards of publications/agencies, portals, journalists’ professional organizations and other media NGOs) and 10 representatives of mass-media consumers (suggested by groups of readers, NGOs from other fields, including trade unions, patronage and religious organizations, political parties etc.) enrolled in the competition for the position of Press Council members. After summing up all scores gained by each candidate in accordance with the publicly-announced selection criteria, nine members of the Press Council were elected, including four members of the journalistic environment (out of which - two representatives of regional publications, including one – from territorial administrative unit Gagauz Yeri) and five members standing for mass-media consumers. The nominal composition of R. Moldova’s Press Council is as follows: Members of Press Council, representing the journalistic environment: 1. Ludmila Andronic – Editor-in-chief of the economic magazine „Business Class”, lecturer at the Faculty of journalism and communication sciences, Moldova State University; 2. Dmitrii Kalak – Deputy Editor-in-chief of the national newspaper „Ekonomiceskoe obozrenie/Logos-press”; 3. Oleg Hitalschi –... Wed, 30 Dec 2009 18:57:00 +0200 Four Press Council members elected On November 30 this year, the first sitting of the Committee for selecting members of the Press Council from Republic of Moldova took place. The attendance to the sitting was secured by all Committee members  – Liliana Viţu-Eşanu (delegated by Press Council founders), Corina Fusu (delegated by the Parliamentary Committee for education, research, culture, sport and mass-media), Sergiu Neicovcen and Antoniţa Fonari (delegated by NGOs’ National Council) and Sorina Susanu (delegated by the Center for Human Rights). Members of the Committee unaniously voted Mrs. Liliana Viţu-Eşanu as Chairwoman of the Selection Committee. The main issue on the Committee’s agenda constituted the selection of Press Council members. Six representatives of the journalistic environment and ten representatives of press consumers enrolled in the competition for obtaining Press Council membership. Due to the small number of applicants, the Selection Committee unanimously voted for the extension of the deadline for submitting folders to the open contest for electing Press Council members tillDecember 10, 2009of Chisinau municipality media consumers. The next sitting of the Selection Committee was convened for December 14, 2009. Tue, 01 Dec 2009 22:22:00 +0200 Open contest for selecting the members of Press Council from Republic of Moldova (ATTENTION! The deadline for submitting folders was extended!) The Selection Committee announces the extension of the deadline for submitting folders to the open contest for electing Press Council members till December 10, 2009, both for journalistic environment candidates and rural media consumers’ representatives (outside Chisinau municipality). Background information The Press Council is an independent structure aiming at contributing to the growth of mass-media awareness towards media consumers, through the amiable settlement of disputes arising between publications and readers, promotion of quality journalism and observance of journalistic deontological principles on behalf of newspapers, magazines, news agencies or information portals. The Press Council shall be made up of nine members, including four members standing for the journalistic environment (out of whom two shall represent the regions, including one from TAU Gagauz Yeri), and five members representing media consumers. Members of Press Council shall be appointed for a two-year mandate. Selection terms The candidates competing for Press Council membership which stand for the jounalistic environment shall be put forward by publications’ editorial boards (newspapers, magazines, news agencies, information portals), journalists’ professional organizations, organizations of media employers, other media NGOs. The candidates competing for Press Council membership which represent rural media consumers (outside Chisinau municipality) shall be put forward by media consumer... Tue, 01 Dec 2009 22:20:00 +0200